Bodhsingh Radhelal Bhagat

Bodhsingh Radhelal Bhagat
Thursday, May 19, 1955
Bodhsingh Bhagat is a Member of Parliament (MP) from Balaghat and represents to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Earlier he was member of Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly and represented Khairlanji constituency in Balaghat district. He is vice-president of the state unit Bharatiya Kisan Sangh. Bhagat comes from a very down to earth farmer family. He started his political career with being the Sarpanch of his village Ghubargondi. Bhagat broke the record and defeated a 4 time MLA and RPI Leader, minister of that time Doman Singh Nagpure.

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Bodhsingh Bhagat

Constituency:       Balaghat

Party:                   Bharatiya Janata Party

Father's Name:    Shri Radhelal Bhagat

Mother's Name:   Smt. Mulkan Bhagat

Date of Birth:       Saturday, May 21, 1955 

Birth Place:          Ghubar Gondi, Balaghat, M.P.

Anniversary Date: Tuesday, June 11, 1985 

Spouse Name:    Smt. Tejeshwri Bhagat

State Name:        Madhya Pradesh

Permanent Address: 

Vill. - Ghubbarhghondi, P.O. Kachekhani, Teh. Khairlanji, Distt. Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh

Tel: (07633) 291000, 09425138935, 08223918931 (M) Fax: (07633) 254254

Present Address: 

Ashok Hotel, Chanakyapuri,New Delhi-11002109425138935, 08223918931 

Education Qualifications: 

B. Sc. Jatashankar Trivedi Govt. Post Graduate College, Balaghat, Sagar University
