Leaders From Sambhaji Nagar
Tribak Maruti Gawane
at post Ambhai Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Vijay Namdev Gore
at post Andhari Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Durgabai Bandu
at post Ajintha Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
kirantai Rameswar gawande
at post Amsari Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Sanjay Tanhaji Basond
at post Amthana Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Tejrao Tukaram Pawar
at post Annad Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Durbai Sudam Chape
at post Anvi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Suman Sukhadev Gaykawad
at post Asadi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Ramewsar Vittalrao Thorat
at post Bahauli Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Joyti Tejrao Nibhore
at post Balapur Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Archana Vijay Pharkade
at post Ban-Kinhola Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Kashalya Kakasheb pharkade
at post Bhalugaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Shardabai Gajanan
at post Bharadi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Surekha Kakarao Kalam
at post Bhawan Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Surwanbai Nandu Chavan
at post Borgaon-Bajar Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independe...
Laximibai Abamdas Jadhav
at post Borgaon-Kasari Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
Taherabee Gulab Shaha
at post Borgaon-Sarwani Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
Sharda Danynswar Thale
at post Bodwad Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Dharakabai Ram pharkade
at post Chandapur Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Anitabai satosha Dandge
at post Charner/charnerwadi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
Priyka Tulshiram Jangal
at post Chichpur Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Durpdabai Vittal Bakle
at post Chidhkheda Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Surekha Pandrinath Nikam
at post Delulgaon-Bajar Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
Ashabai Sudhakar Vispute
at post Dhanora-Wanjala Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
Bebitai Nanapa
at post Dharla Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Haridas Kashinath Divte
at post Dhawada Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Dada Punjaji Dhude
at post Dhigaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Halibee Umrkha patan
at post Dhogargaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Padamabai Dayneswar Jadhav
at post Dhotra Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Sarlatai Vittal Shejul
at post Didgaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Anita Suresha Belekar
at post Digras Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Lilabai Dttatry Jethekar
at post Jaliki-Ghat Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Asram Shankar Shinde
at post Gavhali Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Santosha Haridas Tathe
at post Gevrai Semi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
at post Ghatabri Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Latabai Shivaji Chadanshive
at post Ghatnandra Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Rubinabee Sadekha Shikha
at post Ghawali Tanda Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independe...
Kavita Gopal Gawane
at post Golegaon Bu Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Aanjabai Rajedra Dhanwai
at post Golegaon Ku Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Mandabai Fakara Gawale
at post Halda-Dakala Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independen...
Puspabai Dilip
at post Hati-Mohol Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Rekhabai Vittal Shinde
at post Jabhai Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Devshala Rajedra Dhande
at post Jalki Bajar Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Wandna Samadhan Badar
at post Jalki wasai Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Wandnabai Ganesha Rakade
at post Kasad-Dhamai Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independen...
Sarangdhar Sukhadev Jawal
at post Kaygaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Somnath Narayan
at post Kelgaon-Adarwadi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to t...
Kavitabai Arjun Wagh
at post Kerhala Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Sandip Narayan Jayswal
at post Khandala Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Mukthabai Babanrao Shinde
at post Khatkheda-Dhonkheda Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
Manisha Narayan Kaltre
at post Khediliha Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Narshigrao Anadrao Wagh
at post Khulod Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Pdamabai Bhagawan Wagh
at post Khupta Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Asha Arjan Gade
at post Kotnandra Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Aruna Vital Salve
at post Lonwadi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Latabai Dilip Sakhale
at post Lihakhedi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Sanjay Uttamrao Apar
at post Madani Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Lximibai Ashok Suranshi
at post Makhapat Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Adinath Baburao Jadhav
at post Mandgaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Ramdas Namdev Hiwale
at post Mandna Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Sanjay Ganpantrao warpe
at post Mangarul Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Surekhabai Manog Jayswal
at post Masla Bu Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Raju Supdu Salunki
at post Masla Ku Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Digabar Ramchadra Mahakal
at post Moda Bu Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Nandabai Samadhan Salwne
at post Moda Ku Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Banobee Rajakha Buray
at post Nanegaon-Janjla Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
Pachabai Ramlal Reswal
at post Nilod Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Gajann Pandur Palaudkar
at post Palad Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Surekha Mahadev rao
at post Palshi Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Kamalbai Devchand Mahor
at post Pangri Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Sapana Sanjay Padalkar
at post Panwadod Bu Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Anita Ganesha Daud
at post Panwadod Ku Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Namdev Wamanrao Suste
at post Pendgaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Suraya Manwar tadavi
at post Pimpaldari Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Laximibai Shrirang
at post Pimplgaon-Ghat Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
Durgabai Digabar Sangle
at post Pimplgaon-peth Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
Sangita santosha Sarsatha
at post pimpri Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Ravi Sankar Kale
at post Pirala Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Ganesha Manushig bakhal
at post Relgaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Vilas Mansaram Shide
at post Rihamabad Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Gangabai Tejrao Sonawane
at post Savkheda Bu Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Laxamibai Ambadas Guwale
at post Sarati Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Machidra Shirag Dhange
at post Sarola Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Rajkumar Nthuram Bhotker
at post Sasrwada Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
kabirchad tarachand Bhople
at post Shidephal Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Santosha Pandu Jagtap
at post Shivana Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Premila Vijay pawar
at post Sir sla Tanda Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independe...
Wandnabai Bajirao Wahul
at post Sirsala Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Digabar Shivaji Gujal
at post Sisarakheda Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Nandabai Ganpat Phuke
at post takali-jiwarag Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
Sitabai Mahadu Jadhav
at post Takali-Ku Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Sushila Ramrao Thomre
at post Talni Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Nandabai Sukhadev Kharat
at post Talwada Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Kalabai Kisan Ahire
at post Udangaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Mirabai Kashinath Surskar
at post Upli Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Nanath Shekhu Dhokhrkar
at post Wadala Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Wandana Kisan Sable
at post Wadod Chatha Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independen...
latabai Prakasha
at post Waghera Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Mahesha Bhaurao Salwe
at post Wangi Bu Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Surekha Vishu Bawaskar
at post Wangi Ku Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Gahenagi Anna Patil
at post Warkhedi-Bhygaon Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
Kamalbai Gulbrao Mirage
at post Warud-Pimpri Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the Independen...
Sunil Bhagawan Sawalker
at post Wasai Tah Sillod Aurangabad Independent Leader From Sillod. He represents the Sillod in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
At.Post.ADUL BK Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.PostADUL KHTa.Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post AKHATWADA Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post ALIYABAD Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.PostATARWALI KHANDI Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to th...
At.PostANANDPUR Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post APEGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post ADGAON JAVALE Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the...
At.Post AWADE UNCHAEGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to ...
At.Post BABHULGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post BALANAGAR Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post BIDKIN Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post BOKUD JALGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the...
At.Post BRAMHANGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the I...
At.Post BRAMHGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post CHANGATPURI Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the I...
At.Post 74 JALGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post CHINCHALA Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post CHITEGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post CHANAKWADI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post DABHRUL Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.PostDADEGAON BK Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post DARGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post DEVGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post DAWARWADI Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post DADEGAON J Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post DONGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post DHORKIN Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post DHANGAON Tq .Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post DHAKEFAL Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post DHUPKHEDA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post KHADGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post DINNAPUR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post EKTUNI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
At.Post ISARWADI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post INDEGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post IMAMAPUR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post GADHEGAON PAITHAN Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to...
At.Post GEORAI BARSHI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the ...
At.Post GEORAI BK Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post GHAREGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post HARSHI BK Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post HARSHI KH Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post HIRADPURI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
HIRAPUR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
At.Post JAMBHALI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post KARKIN Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post KADETHAN BK Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post KADETHAN KH Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post KAPUSWADI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post KATPUR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
At.Post KAUDGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post KAUNDAR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post KOLI BODKHA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post KRUSHNAPUR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post KAWSAN Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
At.Post KEKET JALGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the ...
At.Post KURANPIMPRITq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post KHERDA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
At.Post TANDA BK Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post LOHAGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post LAKHEGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post LIMBGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post MHAROLA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post MAWASGAVHAN Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post MURMA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
At.Post MUDHALWADI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post MULANI WADGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the...
At.Post NAYGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post NANDALGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post NANDAR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
NARAYANGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
At.Post NAVGOAN Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post NILAJGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post PACHIOD BK Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post PACHOD KH Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post PADALI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
At.Post PACHALGOAN Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post PAITHAN KHEDA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the ...
At.Post PANGRA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
At.Post PARUNDI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
PARUNDI TANDA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Independe...
At.Post PATEGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post PIMPALWADI PI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the ...
At.Post PORGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.PostFAROLA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
At.Post RAJAPUR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post RAHATGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
At.Post RANJHANGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post RANJHANGAON KH Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the...
At.Post SHEWATA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post SALWADGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post SOLNAPUR Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post SOMPURI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post SONWADI BK Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post SHEKTA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
At.Post TAKLI PAITHAN Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the ...
At.Post TARU PIMPALWADI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to th...
At.Post TAKLI AMBAD Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post THERGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post TONDOLI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post TANDULWADI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Ind...
At.Post WADJI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
At.Post WADVALI Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
At.Post VAHEGAON Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post VARUDI BKTq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
At.Post WARWANDI BK Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the In...
At.Post VIHAMNDVA Tq.Paithan Dist- Aurangabad Independent Leader From Paithan. He represents the Paithan in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
Smt Rukhminibai Murlidhad
AT Amba Post Upla Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Shri Anil Babu
AT Amba Tanda Post Upla Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independen...
Smt Hausbai Gangaram
AT Ambala Post Upla Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Smt Vaishali Balasaheb
AT Post Aurala Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependen...
Shri Kaduba Motiram
At Aurali Post Aurala Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Smt Heerabai Ravindra
At post Aalapur Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Kantabai Karbhari
AT Post Anadhaner Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Vaishali Anil
AT Post Adgaon (p) Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Shri Dyaneshwar Annabhau
At Aadgaon j Post Jehur Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Smt Surekha Ashokrao
At Post Aathegaon Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Chaya Karbhari
AT Post Amdabad Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Chabibai Gulab
At Belkheda Post Navdi Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Smt Kamrunnisa Rafique
At Post Banshendra Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Smt Kausabai Gopinath
At Post Bahirgaon Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Shri Sanjay Jagannath
At Barkatpur Post Chincholi Tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
Smt Vandana Appasahb
At Bibkheda Post Aurala Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Shri maruti Laxman
AT Post Borsar Khurd Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Smt Sakhubai Baburao
AT Post Borsar Budruk Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Smt Chandrabhagabai Kachru
At Post Brahmni Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Mangalabai Eknath
At Post Bhildari Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Smt Meen Vaant
AT Bhokangaon Post Bahirgaon Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
Smt Seem Gokul
At Bhambarwadi Post Upla Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Smt Meenakshi Kishor
At Post Chapaner Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Sushilabai Sudam
At Post Chincholi li Tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Shri Ragho Ramrao
AT Chimnapur Post Nagapur Tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independen...
Smt Vaishali Pralahad
AT Post Chinchkeheda Khu Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Smt Vandana Raju
AT Post Chinchkeheda Bu Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Smt Kesharbai Ramrao
At Post Chikaltahan Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Smt Meerabai Murlidhar
At Chambharwadi Post Degaon Rangari TQ Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the ...
Shri Pundlik Vitthal
At Depul Post Wasadi Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Smt Kavita Kakasaheb
AT Post Deogaon Rangari Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Shri Machindra Bhaginath
At Post Dabhadi Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Shri Sahebrao Mansaram
AT Post Dahigaon tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Smt Kasturabai Rangnath
At Post Debhegaon Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Yeshodabai Tukaram
At Post Digaon Khedi Tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Smt Anjali Ganesh
AT Devpudi Post Deogaon rangari Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
Smt Latabai Annasaheb
At Post Devlana Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Jayshree Yuvaraj
At Dongaon Post Bahirgaon Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independen...
Srhi Gajanan Devidas
At Dongargaon Post Mohra Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Smt Nandabai Chandrabhan
AT Dhamni Post Nagapur Tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Shri Bharatsing Ramji
At Post Garada Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependen...
Smt Meenabai Keshavrao
AT Post Ganeshpur Tq kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Alka Bhaginath
At Gavhali Post Aurala Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Smt Nanabaik Bhika
At Post Gaurpimpri Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Smt Savita Namdeo
At Post Ghatshendra Tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Smt Sulabai Shankar
AT post Ghusur Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependen...
Smt Vandana Manohar
AT Post Hasta tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Ranjana Ganesh
AT Hasankheda Post Chapaner Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independ...
Shri Sanjay Shravan
AT Haraswadi Post Saigavahan tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
Srhi Sheknath Asaram
At Post Hivarkheda na Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Smt Sumanbai Premsing
At Post Hivarkheda Gau Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Smt Vaishali Ravindra
At Post Hatnoor Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Tarabai Dadarao
At Post Jamdi Jahangir Tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Smt Ashabai Sahebrao
AT Post Jaitapur Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Smt Sangeeta Geetarak
At Post Jehur Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Shri Kaluba Asaram
At Post Jalgaon Ghat Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Shri Balasaheb Vitthal
AT Post Jaitkheda Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Shri Balu Govind
AT Post Jaitkheda Tanda Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Shri Dadarao Pandhrinath
At Post Javli Kurd Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Shri Ramchandra Gobru
AT Jamdi Ghat Post Vadner Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independen...
Smt Deepali Jeetendra
AT Post Javkheda Khu Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Shri Ajay Kashinath
AT Post Javkheda Bu Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Smt Heerabai Annasaheb
At Kalaki Post Vadner Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInd...
Smt Rekhabai Ganesh
AT Post Kolambi ma Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Shri Sayed Ahayas
AT Post Karanjkheda Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Shri Raufkha Masjidkha
AT Post Kunjkheda Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Janabai Shankar
AT Post Kolwadi Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Shri Appasaheb Bhausaheb
At Kanadgaon Post Aurala Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Shri Yogesh Jagannath
AT Khamgaon Post Aurala Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentI...
Shri Raosaheb Sukhdeo
AT Kheda Post Athagaon Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Shri Deoman Narayan
AT Khatkheda Post Palsi Bu Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independe...
Smt Vaishali Shivaji
At Lohegaon Post Choncholi Tq Kanand 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independe...
Smt Tarabai sukhdeo
At Lamangaon Post Deogaon Rangari Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the In...
Smt Heerabai Dwarkadas
At Post Mohra Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Shri Pandurang Sheshrao
At Post Mehegaon Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Smt Jayshree Santosh
At Post Makranpur Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Radhabai Kakasaheb
AT Munwadi Post Andhaner Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Smt Kaveri Vitthal
AT Munwadi Tanda Post Andhaner Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Indep...
Smt Kavita Shivnath
AT Post Mategaon Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Shri Sudhakar Vitthal
At Malegaon Tho Post Bharamba Tq Kannad 431115 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Indepe...
Smt Alkabai Rameshwar
At Navadee Post Rail Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Smt Leelabai Laxman
AT Post Nimbhora Tq Kanand 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Shri Jagannath Gobar
AT Post Nagapur Tq Kannad 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Chaya Vitthal
At Post nachanvel Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Sindhubai Babanrao
AT Nipani Post Jehur Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Smt Savitreebai Kisan
At Post Nadarpur Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Smt Seemabai Sahebrao
AT Post nagad Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Sheela Suresh
AT Post Nimdongri Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Reubai Pandharinath
At Nagadtanda Post Nagag Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independent...
Smt Monali Dyaneshwar
At Post Nevpur ja Tq Kanand 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Kamalbai Shivaji
At Post Nevpur kh Tq Kanand 431147 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Shri Narayan Kalu
At Post Pishore Tq Kanand 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Mandabai Santosh
At Post Palaskheda Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Smt Ushabai Ashok
AT Post Pimperkheda Tq Kanand 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndep...
Shri Devidas Radho
At Post Palshi Khu Tq kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Smt Savitreebai Ramesh
At Post Palshi Bu Tq kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Shri Firozkha Ajmerkha
At Post Ritthi Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependen...
Smt Yogeeta Kishor
AT Post Rail Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent....
Smt Kalpana Tukaram
At Rohila Post jehur Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Shri Dyaneshwar Babulal
AT Post Ramnagr Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Archanabai Santosh
AT Post Rampurwadi Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepe...
Shri Neetin Bhimrao
At Ruikheda Post Tapargaon Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independe...
Smt Kalpanabai Vitthal
At Post Saigavan Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Shri Gorakh Jalam
At Satkund Post Upla Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentInde...
Smt Yamunabai Babusingh
At post Sonwadi Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Smt Jamunabai Geevansingh
AT Seerajgon Post Chapaner Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Independe...
Smt Latikabai Ratnakar
AT Post Sarola Tq Kannad 431104 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependen...
Shri Siddhu Sultan
AT Savargaon Posr Unberkheda Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Indepen...
Shrimati Kesarbai Parbhar
AT Seetanaik tanda Post Kolwadi Tq Kanand 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the Inde...
Smt Kashibai Amarshing
At Post sasegaon Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Smt Ratna Aajinath
AT Post Shelgaon Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepend...
Smt Anita Santhosh
AT Post Shivrai Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Shri Jayesh Kakasaheb
At Shirodi Post Aurala Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIn...
Smt Kavita Milind
At Post tqpovan Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Rukhmanbai Pandurang
At Post Talner Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Shri Uttamrao Balchand
At post Tandulwadi Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent.....
Smt Sakhubai Dhondu
At Post Tandulwadi Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent.....
Shri Prabhu Vishnu
At Post Tad Pimpalgaon Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepende...
Smt Rupali Santosh
AT Post Taparagaon Tq Kanand 43113 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Leelabai Trambak
At Post Takli Bu Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Vaishali Shreenath
At Post Takli Antur Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent....
Smt Sumitra Ravi
At Post Upla Tq Kannad 431103 Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent....
Smt Ashabai Sainath
At Upla Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Shri Dada Uda
At Post UnberKheda Tanda Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndepen...
Smt Sunandabai Shriram
At Post Waki Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Shri Baburao Sandu
At Post Wadali Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Shri Popar Seetaram
At Post wadod Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Sunanda Raju
At Post Wadner Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Sakhubai Narayan
At Post Wakad Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Shri Rahul Mahavir
At Post wasadi Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Shri Jagdish Ramdhan
At Post Wadgaon Ja Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent.....
Shri Gorakh Rajaram
At Post Witkheda Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Shashikalabai Shankar
At Post Wita Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...
Smt Zeelibai Kachru
At Post Gudma Tq Kannad Independent Leader From Kannad. He represents the Kannad in various places. He belongs to the IndependentIndependent...